Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Laundry Artists

The magnificent ice queen.
I woke up a bit too early today but that's fine since it gave me the time to be lazy. I got dressed and headed out to class. Like yesterday first we had a lecture and then we had a break. We all decided to go to the library and do the assignment Ms.Fineschi had assigned. After a while it was time to head back to class.

The class was a breeze and I enjoyed doing the lab work. While walking back to the dorm rooms me and Alexis decided to go do laundry together. I do my own laundry back at home but the laundery machine that was in our house is different then the ones that require the quarter, so I was glad to have Alexis show me how to work the machine. It wasn't super complex and I easily got the hang of it.

While walking to the laundry room I noticed there was tons of cool chalk work on the walls. The drawings and writings on the walls were beautiful. I was surprised to see that the basement also had practice music rooms.

Laundry God id dead apparently.
The laundry took a long time but I ahd Alexis to keep me company. It felt like a really long done even though it wasn't that late but since it was the basement it was kind of dark. I soon started getting very sleepy. After doing the laundry I decided to take a shower. Just as I was painting my nails the alarm went off. At first I thought that somehow my nailpolish had set of the alarm and I just sat there for a second. Then I came to my senses grabbed my ID and ran down the stairs. I was surprised at how fast the fire department showed. I don't know what happened but after about 5 minutes we were given clearance. 

I had to check in for curfew two times today since I had missed my curfew check in yesterday. I was just really tired yesterday and completely forget that I had to check in. But today I had put on alarms on my phone to remind myself to check in. Now I am going to go open my fast and retire for the day. Also I forgot to mention this but the weather was truly amazing today. It wasn't too hot and a nice there was a nice breeze, I could get used to this kind of weather.

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