Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Kind Kids

You always have to get worse before you get better. Today, I got worse. I felt like a ball of boogers the whole day. But I pushed through and fought through. Today in class we got do experiments on real life children. I had to take special care to stay clean, as to not spread all my germs. I washed my hands every 5 minutes before talking to the kids and avoided any unnecessary physical contact.

My experiment was on the influence parents have on their child's sharing behaviors. So we asked the parent and their children what they would do when faced with certain sharing scenarios. We are able to compare their answers to determine if the parents influence their child. Today there were only three kids, but the next days we will test more. The final project is due next Friday, so over the course of the next few days we will test more children and parents and collect more data. Today could have been worse, but I spent it playing with little kids and asking them why they wont share their dinosaurs.

Sharing Experiment

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to read your feeling worse today. Maybe hit the suana, hot tub, or jaccuzi and sweat it out.
